Together - Separately
As of the day of writing this very first blog post for the Rogue Yoga website, it is the third day of spring in 2020. It’s also the first day of the mandatory, state-wide “shelter in place policy” for Illinois and the eight day of my self-quarantine. Because of testing shortages, it’s been safer to just assume that I could have Covid-19 and to to stay home in the interest of society’s greater good. My husband, who is a symptom-free, man-about-town uber extrovert, has not been happy about our confinement. Love in the time of coronavirus, eh?
Now the rest of the city and state are joining us in self-imposed isolation, although most everyone has realistically been holed up for days anyway.
With all of the connection on social media (free concerts, free yoga classes, etc) and people reaching out to each other virtually now more than ever, I’m struck by a deep truism that resonates in my very core:
We’re all in this together. Just, you know, separately.
And that is a beautiful metaphor for this journey we call life. Anyone on the yogic path knows that we are all deeply and inextricably connected. We are all one. And, yet, we have each undertaken this journey through life on our own distinct path. We each have our own lessons to learn and our own karma to know and release. We all have come here to process very distinctive perspectives and wade through myriad realities. But in the end, it’s all for the same purpose - to know the Self.
The in-apartment new studio space
There are two ways to make space: the first is to clear out whatever is taking up space, and the second is expand the container. There is a lot of attention these days on clearing out and removing clutter (a la Marie Kondo). If you’re tired of being weighed down by stuff, let’s focus on the merits of Marie Kondo-ing your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies.