Take a break and join sacred community time. Feel the palpable energy shared when like minds and hearts come together. As family of healers we want to offer this incredibly healing moment.
Practice techniques that help you become more present and powerful in your life. Through visualization and the nectar of the chant we will heal within, collectively and beyond.
1. 10 minutes Tune in and Intention
2. 30 minutes Distance Reiki with our resident team of Master Level Healers- You may give or receive
3. 5 minutes Well wishes during last part of Reiki - prayers to our loved ones
3. 11 minutes Ra Ma Da Sa Healing Mantra Earth
4. Closing Prayer
5. CommuniTEA Time (optional)
Set your Space
blanket, mat, cushion
meditation shawl or blanket
water to drink if needed
The space will be lovingly held by:
Meditation- Karampal
Chantress and Harmonium- Andrea Klunder
Reiki Masters- Sarah Palmer Prindable, Elijah Muhamad, Krystle Aguilera, Amber Gillogly, Cat Fritz and more!
Cost $10 Admit 1
$15 Household
Free For Memberships
Free Front Line Workers (please email mgr@satnamyogachicago.com )